Ease Your Life With Permanent Cosmetics: - Sauler Institute

Permanent Cosmetics:  A Growing Trend in Beauty Enhancement

Three top reasons seem to be igniting the trend towards permanent makeup.

The fast pace of modern life and the desire to carve a few free moments out of every day not to have to apply makeup, the use of social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat) with a desire to be “camera ready” at any time, and to gain the competitive edge with “attractiveness” in the business world.

Permanent makeup means no more hours in front of the mirror with brushes and pencils and no need to redo makeup after a full day. With permanent makeup you cleanse, moisturize and apply a light foundation, you are ready to greet the world. Makeup looks fresh and perfect every minute of even the longest, toughest days.

We at the Sauler Institute believe in natural enhancement of your features. As professionals, our permanent cosmetic enhancement appears more natural than most topical applications. You will never look “made up” but only refreshed day in and day out.

Permanent makeup placement can accentuate your natural features drawing upon the strengths of your facial structure. Adding youthful color to aging faces making lips appear fuller with full lip color and lip-liner reshaping; reshaped pale or sparse eyebrows with strokes that simulate real hair; definition for eyes that have lost lashes over time with implanting pigment within the lash line to produce a look of fuller lashes and a defined eye.

Clients have stated that the ease of process and the immediate gratification (literally no down time) provides the lift they need to feel reassured of looking their best.

At the Sauler Institute permanent cosmetics provides personal freedom and a sense of confidence. Permanent cosmetics Is truly a “lifestyle changer”.

Please take a look through our gallery to see the difference permanent makeup can mean for you at Sauler Institute. Book now for summer at
